Not knowing whether s#ny would deploy any patches in recent firmware updates, when I wrote Toolset 1.0, I decided to use the "crappiest" Flash player exploit I had, it proved efficient & as it was not patched in 4.87, I chose to keep using it in 1.1.Compatible with 4.80 - 4.82 OFW, 4.82 DEX OFW, 4.84 DEX HFW, 4.83 - 4.90 HFW ONLY Unlike on ps4, the webkit build used on ps3 is extremely limited & none of its internal objects is well suited to becoming a primitive, whereas Flash 9 offers everything a hacker may need.Īnd the Flash Player 9 plugin has not been updated since 4.10 or something like that.Īnd for info, because the Flash Player is supported in the silk browser (the original ps3 browser without webkit), it is possible (with a number of modifications including the replacement of the webkit memory leak exploit) to get the PS3 Toolset v1.x to run in the Silk browser as well, I made a poc last year using another Flash player exploit for ps3 I have in store that can leak memory on top of getting primitives & ROP, it ran just as well as with the webkit browser. This new exploit allows to do things that could never be done with the old exploit still used in HEN that s#ny patched in 4.82, it is the heart of the PS3 Toolset, with the old exploit, one could not create such a tool, more exploits would have been needed & many obstacles would have to be expected. A Flash Player 9 exploit to get read/write primitives & ROP. This exploit has never been patched by s#nyĢ. Click to expand.The PS3 Toolset v1.x relies on 2 "browser exploits":